Satfinder quick dish aligner is a simple tool for tune your satellite receiver to get the best possible signal strength from your preferred satellites broadcast provider. Satellite signal finder uses your phone sensor to detect your physical location and calculates azimuth angle and elevation value for satellite antena needs to face. Once satfinder app has been started, device should be calibrated and shaking well as positioning the satellite dish or satellite position calculation depends on the accuracy of device sensors.
Augmented Reality View for finding target satellites in the sky using satellite tracking app.
Use augmented reality view to show where is satellite on camera view in the sky. Get realistic view to the sky to make sure there is a line of sight (LOS), i.e. there is no obstacles, such as tree branches or any hurdle, between the satellite dishpointer and the satellite itself. All major tv satellites are in the database so it can be used anywhere in the world. You will get one of the best augmented reality technology so far to get instant directions using our sat finder discovery satellite pointer app. Point your phone’s camera to look at all available satellites for your current location in real time.
Satelitte kfinder dish pointer need simple steps to adjust satellite dish test antenna.
Step 1
Select the antena which may b offset antenna, planar antena or parabole antenna or satellite dish.
Step 2
Online sat preparation to select your preferred satellite. Browse through the table and choose a specific satellite. You can also search satellite by entering the name on the search bar or find infosat.
Step 3
There should not be any obstruction between the satellite and your dish antenna for smooth reception of signal strength locator.
Step 4
Satfinder Find TV Satellites
Satfinder is a tool for finding sky TV live satellites & satellite dish aligner
Position your phone on the satellite tv and directores the antena. When directed right to the preffered satellite deepdish , satellite locator device will automatic vibrate on finding the exact direction.
Satellite dish finder app helps you to align your satellite antenna scanner. Based on your current location and the selected satellite, the satellite finds will shows you in which horizontal and vertical direction you have to point my tv antenna. Technisat connect sat preparation has list of 300+ satellites. You can get LNB azimuth angle, elevation value and tilt for your location based on selected satellite.
Satellite finder german sat app has a tool of gps compass or compass direction findẻ that enables users to get their search direction either south, north, east or west. Digital compass for android in which all directions are calculated considering the true north. Compass altimeter tool to obtain your accurate altitude during your walking, hiking or in any location. Compass maps dirctor depends completely on the sensors of your device you should keep the campus adjustment away from the magnetic field interface so that you can get accurate direction. Compass ar uses GPS or network location for best accuracy.
Compass level is another feature for proper installation of dish satellite television. Waterpas bubble level is leveling tool designed to indicate whether floor level is horizental or vertical. Level meter is usually curved glass tube incompletely filled with liquid leaving a bubble in the tube. At slight inclination bubble travels away from center of tube and shows angle in degree, inclination in percent, which is usually marked.
Outstanding Features
📡 Augmented reality view on your location where to point the dish
📡 Satellite finder for all tv channels
📡 More than 150 satellites available
📡 Smart satellite search for finding any satelite
📡 Azimuth, Elevation, LNB Skew angels for the desired satellite images
📡 Vibrate on finding exact direction
📡 Compass for android to obtain accurate direction